Psychodrama Training for Couple Therapists

The workshop I will be running for counsellors and therapists this year has gone up on the CITP website. It is run under the auspices of the Psychodrama training institute, and I’m pleased that this workshop I ran for the first time in Blenheim in November has a niche in the psychodrama setting.

I will also be doing a 3 hr workshop at the Brisbane ANZPA Psychodrama Conference this month.

Details of the July Christchurch workshop follow:

Psychodrama Training for Couple Therapists

Institute:  Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama

Year:  2012

"… an active form of psychotherapy in which the personal and interpersonal problems … are treated at the same time."

J.L. Moreno, Psychodrama vol 1 p233

At the heart of the family is the couple. Being in the couple relationship is often the most fulfilling and difficult aspect of a person’s life. Deepening your awareness of couple dynamics and learning specific processes will assist you to help people as they grapple with their lives.

This training workshop is for counsellors and psychotherapists. To the fore will be the work developed by J.L. Moreno in encounter, role dynamics and working with the interpsyche. You will develop your ability to:

– be more effective in your work with couples;

– include couple work in your practice if you don’t do that already; and

– strengthen your relational perspective in one-to-one work

What we will cover

Psychodramatic techniques such as doubling, mirroring, role reversal will be taught in such a way they can be used with all couples. We will explore in action the co-conscious and co-unconscious of couples we are currently working with to develop assessment skills.

We will work with what is of interest to members. You can expect to practice, experiment and learn new processes with generous coaching. The following topics will give you an idea of the scope of this workshop.

• Encounter – the relational perspective

• Assessing and using role dynamics in relationships.

• Using action methods with couples

• Structured conscious dialogue

• Your relationship with the relationship

• Transform criticism blaming and shaming

• Going deeper – the relationship as therapy

• Affairs and crisis – creating hope

Training approach

• Brief teaching and hand-outs

• Demonstrations

• Practice and coaching using role play

• Supervision of case work – in action

Hours from this workshop are accredited by the Australian and New Zealand Psychodrama Association, Inc., ANZPA and count towards practitioner certification by that body. Further information may be found on the web site

Dates:  19 July, 2012 – 21 July, 2012

Training Hours:  18

Leader:  Walter Logeman

Location:  Christchurch

Venue:  Campbell Centre, 44 Bealey Avenue, Christchurch

Times:  Thursday 6.30 to 9.00, Friday 9.00 to 5.00, Saturday 9.00 4.00

Workshop Code:  CITP-2012E

  Fee: $330.00* Enrol by 1 July 2012 * A discount of $50.00 is available to trainees enrolled in Psychodrama Training.

via Psychodrama Training for Couple Therapists | Australian and New Zealand Psychodrama Association Inc.

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