Integrated the Art and Psyche Blogs!

In 2012 I wrote this post:

Indeed why do I have these two blogs – the other one is about art and art online. My art.

I’m thinking of importing that one into this one – but found it quite hard to do it. It is an identity thing. I’m more a psychodrama person than a Psyberspace person these days. Dropped psychotherapy online. But is it an art blog? I’m wring a book called D R A M A

It is not that I’m importing one blog into another – I’m integrating two identities I have. I think it will be good for me!

Its done!

Some categories to fix, and that is it. ONE

Now what to call the site?

Psyberspace (that can stay) Walter Logeman’s Journal

And the details & history can go in the new About

Later Monday 29 Jan 18

Also found this on the integration theme

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