Health Update from Walter — 7 March 2020

Here is the email I wrote to family, friends and colleagues

Walter Logeman
Sat, 7 Mar, 20:13

Hi everybody …

You may have heard, or this may be news. I am in Christchurch hospital awaiting bypass surgery on my heart, probably in about a week. This might come as a shock to you, as it has to me, but I’m coming to terms with it. The prognosis is good and I’m glad we caught the problem early enough. I’m well supported by Kate, family, friends, colleagues and a great medical team. I have been told recovery will take four to six months.

Right now I’m fine and I’m sorting out my work commitments so I can focus on recovery in the months ahead. I am “on leave” from the training and will put all supervision work on hold. I will contact people I’m working with more directly. I’m planning to focus on my recovery. I’m looking forward to re-engaging with the work I love and with people I love. I’m sure the anticipation of reconnecting will be healing for me.

Thanks for all the good wishes so far!

Love Walter

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