
Just read an article on Alfred Adler: For Socialist Psychologist Alfred Adler, Collective Feeling Was the Cure.. Wikipedia is pretty good on him too.

I wonder where Moreno stood on this Red Vienna thing?

Searching in “Who Shall Survive?” — After a scathing account of psychoanalysis Moreno writes:

Adler’s system* started with another calamity, the inferiority of organs and the feelings of inferiority .

– With this footnote:

* Adler developed in his later years a supplementary system but he could never free himself from an analytic position .

“Who Shall Survive?” page lii

Describing a split in the group psychotherapy field Moreno writes:

It is significant to note that many adherents of the analytic schools with a strong sociological and actional orientation, like the Adlerians, the Jungians and the neo-Freudians are inclined towards our original society, whereas those with an individual and verbal orientation tend towards the secession group.

“Who Shall Survive?” — page xcviii


That does not tell me much but it a small piece in the puzzle.

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