Interview with Charles Eisenstein

Play has been on my mind. And I just listened to this which sounds ok to me about halfway through there is a good bit on play.


Joanna Harcourt Smith interviews
[Charles Eisenstein] June 27, 2009 – Interview with Charles Eisenstein
(50 minutes – 17.3mb)
Charles Eisenstein is the author of The Ascent of Humanity: The Age of Separation, the Age of Reunion, and the convergence of crises that is birthing the transition – a book about the history and future of civilization from a unique perspective: the evolution of the human sense of self.

Joanna Harcourt Smith interviews
[Charles Eisenstein] June 27, 2009 – Interview with Charles Eisenstein
(50 minutes – 17.3mb)

Eric Voegelin & Participatory Consciousness

quoted in

The Philosopher and the Storyteller
By Charles R. Embry

The symbols do not refer to structures in the external world but to the existential movement in the metaxy from which they mysteriously emerge as the exegesis of the movement in intelligibly expressive language. Their meaning can be said to he understood only if they have evoked in the listener or reader the corresponding movement of participatory consciousness. Their meaning, thus, is not simply a matter of semantic understanding; one should rather speak of their meaning as optimally fulfilled when the movement they evoke in the recipient consciousness is intense and articulate enough to form the existence of its Human bearer and to draw him, in his or her turn, into the loving quest of truth.

google books


I found it fascinating that through the words participatory consciousness the dialogue and archetypal psychology – with its notion of metaxy come together.

Careful reading of the passage points to the responsibility of the sender. Sending might involve beauty. In imago we are asked to listen to some ugly sends! Fair enough, but what if they were works of art?

Life – and a note on delegation

I am up at Mt. Lyford for a week working – or so it was planned on the Horse treks business with Kate. I am the finance manager. Of course I have a swag of other commitments I have made. Mostly to do with my work in the area of supervision with NZAP and the CITP.

Busy, busy, busy.

But we have made a great plan! I will extract data from the MoneyWorks file to make a Grid (see footnote 1) to work out our marketing strategy. OK, upgrade MoneyWorks, talk on phone. Learn how to extract data. But first the February and March reports, then the Annual report, then the April report! And not just reports, but do the data entry work first!

Busy, busy, busy.

Focus, says Kate, but she does not know how unbelievably focussed I am! Yes but that is not your job, you should DELEGATE that! Who the hell to? So I sent her a verbal Memo: Finance department under stress. Need more staff. Urgent. EeeeeeK.

Busy, busy, busy.

IT department in demand. (That is me too.) Website assistance please. Kate has done a great job learning to tweak the websites. Mt. Lyford & Otahuna, but there are complexities, FTP passwords won’t work etc.

Busy, busy, busy.

Marketing – needs a video. Kate made a wonderful video… well took the raw data. To get it on YouTube took ages, extracting the WAV files from the AVI and then editing them back in. DONE! I am really pleased! Look at that video!.

Busy, busy, busy.

Now, crocodiles killed. I am focusing on The Discipline of the Financial Leader. Chapter in E-Myth Mastery. Our bible. Wonderfully inspiring.

Love this line page 191:

“first you have to make sure you are delegating accountability rather than abdicating accountability”

Busy, busy, busy.

So am I in Focus to be writing here?

I think so. There is a theme in this blog & in my mind. It includes the psychological aspects of life & work. I see a connection with GTD and its operationalisation of delegation with the waiting for list and the weekly review.

I also see a connection with dialogue. Delegation can be an order: You do it. That is fine if there is an agreed process. Processes like that require structure. Before struture comes dialogue if we are to eschew “I – It” relationships.

Busy as I am it is useful to get this out of my head!

Continue reading “Life – and a note on delegation”

Two Versions of Psyberspace – and pingbacks

I occasionally get ping to the old version of this blog. I’ve kept it online even though I’ve moved it here to my own server with a new URL, and never post anything in the old blog.

Occasionally it behaves as if it is alive, though I think of it as dead. Today a pingback arrived for my Apophenia post – back in 2005! from Editions of You he links in a post called apophenia-1

Interesting looking blog! The blogroll looks good too!

Pinging Blogs

Encounter, Buber & Moreno


Marineau, R. F. (1989). Jacob Levy Moreno, 1889-1974: Father of Psychodrama, Sociometry, and group psychotherapy. United Kingdom: Routledge.

The third idea is the notion of ‘meeting’. of ‘encounter’. Moreno has argued that Martin Buber, who wrote an article in the magazine Der Neue Daimon (see page 56) in 1919. was influenced by his own concept of ‘Begegnung’ (encounter) of 1914. It would be very interesting to establish the exact nature of the relationship between the two authors and clarify the extent of their mutual influence. There seems to be no historical basis for putting too much emphasis on direct influences. Buber’s thinking developed gradually, but can be traced back to his own childhood. His contribution to the journal Daimon was minimal. But Moreno and Buber did have common friends and relations in the persons of Max Brod and Franz Werfel.

The two men also had a lot of other things in common. Both read Socrates, Dante, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche. Both acknowledged the primacy of the original ‘encounter’: Moreno says that at the beginning was action and the group. while Buber says that at the beginning was the relationship. Both stress the necessity to alter the form taken by culture to arrive at a more ‘fruitful chaos’. Both also stress the importance of ‘experiencing’ reality as a means of change rather than just talking about it. Both were highly emotional people, giving prime importance to the body: Buber, still smarting from the loss of his friend and companion Landauer forty-five years after his murder, told Carl Rogers: ‘Now once more. I was compelled to imagine this killing, not only visually, but with my body.’ Moreno, equally sensitive to bodily experience, developed the concept of tele.

See also the post that confirms that Buber was influenced by Moreno.

I love getting a swag of books in the mail!

Just got these from Amazon:

All on a theme, all about dialogue, the nature of the universe, how to make the world work! What a treat.


Mutually exclusive items that between them cover all possibilities. What do you call such a list? (I had the name for them in the past, but it escapes me)
This is one for example. :
What to do with stuff


Anything delegated needs a new task: follow up xxxx with a due date.

Anything deferred needs a next action

Do includes filing, storing

Later – Recalled the name: MeeCee
Tuesday, 26 May, 2009
Continue reading “DDDD”

Dr. Rory Remer

I am delighted to have discovered Rory Remer’s site. A Psychodramatist, TEP. Now more focussed on Chaos theory and how it leads to other psychotherapeutic modalities.

Of particular interest are these papers:

An Introduction to Chaos Theory for Psychodramatists

The interesting thing is that here, for the first time I have seen someone make the same point I have in my Psychodrama Thesis and in my Moreno & Scientific Method paper. The fractal nature of the systems.

Blinded By The Light
A critique of “evidence based” practice.

Gender Issues
Has a link to a good article “Did I Hear You? What Are You Really Saying?” (not by him but Denise Twohey and Antoinette L. James University of North Dakota)

And an interesting couple of pages on supervision.

I want to read more some of this carefully!

Plato’s Metaxy

I have several earlier posts about this but the link where I quote this particular essay has gone dead. Searching on a snippet I found the whole (?) item on a Japanese website. I don’t know the author or original source. The old dead link might be a clue:

I now have a Metaxy tag, which should bring up all relevant posts, though search works too.

The whole item follows:

Continue reading “Plato’s Metaxy”