Evan Williams


EVHEAD.. (Unsafe? and redirects to https://ev.medium.com/). Updated.

What’s this?
“This is the personal web site of Evan Williams, president/CEO of Pyra Labs, the creators and operators of Blogger, a web application used to publish, among other things, sites like this (so, you see, this is work!). Here, I write about the Internet, business, blogs, San Francisco, my life, and various other things as they occur to me.”

Thursday, 06 October 2022 Update

updated link above old one dead




Cliff Bostock

Deiknymena: Erotic revelations in cyberspace

by Cliff Bostock

“But who is imagining in cyberspace?As we surf the Web an apparent random series of images begins to arise that at some level has coherence to the psyche (if we can presume some kind of coherence is necessary to maintain our attention). Any web surfer can verify that this “dialog” can go on for hours. The lived experience is not of incoherence and disassociation. It is instead of fascination and learning. One feels in contact … but with what?

This too is similar to accounts of the mystery cults. One is taken over by the experience – specifically by the “god” in the experience at the center of the cult. Despite the balkanization, the fragmentation into various cults with different contents, the shared experience in all of them is of being overtaken. The same is true in cyberspace. To put it in Marshall McLuhan’s terms: We are re-tribalized (into newsgroups and chat rooms), but the particular content of the tribe doesn’t matter so much. Why? Because the medium itself is the message.
But, again, what is the fundamental quality of the medium – or, as the Greeks might put it, what is the god in the medium? Perhaps, as Ulansey seems to suggest, it is the collective psyche or anima mundi – the “megasynthesis” of matter and thought into a self-reflective colelctive envisioned by Teilhard de Chardin (1959).”

The line “…what is the god in the medium?” interests me here. It is a project of mine – the archetypes of cyberspace.

Psychological roots of political life

Free as in Freedom
Richard Stallman’s Crusade for Free Software

The whole of this book is online.


“”If anything deserves a reward, it is social contribution,” Stallman wrote. “Creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so far [sic] as society is free to use the results. If programmers deserve to be rewarded for creating innovative programs, by the same token they deserve to be punished if they restrict the use of these programs.”

I like that line from Chapter 7. I think that reward could well come from taxes – more govt payment for free software.

Edit: 20 April 2002

“I really admired the way Richard built up an entire political movement to address an issue of profound personal concern,” Sarah said, explaining her attraction to Stallman.

My wife immediately threw back the question: “What was the issue?”

“Crushing loneliness.”

Fascinating comment… the idea we do political things for personal reasons. I buy it. I am glad RMS has such a psychologically minded friend – I hope it is working out for them. But there would be an interesting twist to entertain: He had to set up a life of crushing loneliness so that he could fulfil his destiny as a political leader.

Dr. Hugo Heyrman – Psyber-L

Bio / Doctor Hugo

“Since 1995, Doctor Hugo became one of the pioneers in Net.art. He participated in 1988 at the ‘First International Symposium on Electronic Art’ (FISEA) in Utrecht. He took part in various Net.art projects, including the ALT-X-site ‘Being in Cyberspace’ and ‘Revelation’ ISEA 2000, Paris. In the series ‘Fuzzy Dreamz’ (1998) he transforms his new media experiences into painting and vice versa. His works have been presented in major international exhibitions ranging from Antwerp, Brussels, Basel, Amsterdam, Paris, Barcelona and Chicago to the Biennale of Venice.”

Dr. Hugo Heyrman
Dr. Hugo Heyrman playing at the Florian, San Marco, Venice 1997

His name popped up in Psyber-L discussion so I made this link… a “blog annotation” of the discussion. This is the sort of thing I imagine Esther Dyson is talking about happening in f2f conferences with wired people… doing it here makes a bit more sense for now.

Saturday, 09 October 2021

Repaired this post. and will add a chunck from the link in case if goes.

Hugo Heyrman, known by his artist name Dr. Hugo Heyrman, is a leading Belgian painter, filmmaker, internetpioneer, synesthesia- and new media researcher. Born in Antwerpen, where he lives and works. From his earliest work, Dr. Hugo Heyrman developed a transformative vision, questioning the nature of perception, memory and images — “Most of my work has to do with contemporary fragility. The works are ‘ways of seeing’, forms of visual thinking, they make the virtual and mental space of an image real”. His art practice includes painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, video, film and digital media. In his online art project (((motions of the mind))) he continues his research, theory and experiments on the telematic future of art, the senses and synesthesia.

Originally, Dr. Hugo Heyrman opted for a musical education, but transferred to the visual arts. He graduated from the Royal Academy and became a laureate of the National Higher Institute for Fine Arts (HISK) in Antwerp. Heyrman was later a professor at both institutions. In addition, he studied nuclear physics during one year at the State Higher Institute for Nuclear Energy in Mol. He received a doctoral degree, Ph.D. in art sciences, magna cum laude, from the Universidad de La Laguna, Spain, with a thesis on ‘Art & Computers: an exploratory investigation on the digital transformation of art’. In 1995 he coined the terms ‘Tele-synaesthesia’ and ‘Post-ego’. Since 1993 he is a working member of the ‘Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts’, Brussels. Founder of the ‘Art & Synesthesia’ online portal (1995).

During the sixties, Dr. Hugo Heyrman profiled himself as an avant-garde artist with Happenings, Pop art and film experiments. He published together with Panamarenko the magazine ‘Happening News & Milky Ways’ (6 issues). Founder of Artworker Foundation. He publishes the ‘Artworker Star’ (3 issues). In 1970-73 he made a ‘Continental Video & Film Tour’ with his ‘Mobile Museum of Modern Media’ through Belgium, Germany, France and the Netherlands.

With this rebellious attitude, he focuses his attention (from 1974) back to his first love, painting. For his ‘Street-Life’ paintings, he was elected laureate of the ‘Prix Jeune Peinture Belge’ (1974) at the Palais des Beaux-arts, Brussels. In monumental series on ‘Water’, ‘Light’, ‘Time’, ‘A Vision is Finer than a View’ and ‘New Models of Reality’, Heyrman paints an existential tension between between imagination, reality and images; an appeal to several senses at once — “I bring the visual and the conceptual, synesthetically closer together”. For Dr. Hugo Heyrman ideas are tools; his personal approach to colour, form, and atmosphere contributes to the possibilities of painting, and the adventure of the visual arts.

His works have been presented in major international exhibitions ranging from Antwerp, Brussels, Basel, Amsterdam, Paris, Rome, Barcelona and Chicago to the Biennale of Venice.

External links
Artist page Galerie De Zwarte Panter, Antwerpen
BAM databank Instituut voor beeldende, audiovisuele en mediakunst, Gent
M HKA ensembles-collection Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Antwerpen
Hedendaagse kunst in het Vlaams Parlement Brussel

Internet Groupware for Scientific Collaboration

Internet Groupware for Scientific Collaboration Internet Groupware for Scientific Collaboration

by Jon Udell, http://udell.roninhouse.com/

An excellent article of what is *wrong* with emaiI – see the great example of idealised threading in the Zope group. Idealised. Yet that is what it could be like and IS like in newsgroups read in Agent – but who does that? I even switch on html occasionally these days. I buy food in plastic bags. I don’t always bike everywhere.

Instant Outlining, Instant Gratification

O’Reilly Network: Jon Udell: Instant Outlining, Instant Gratification [Apr. 01, 2002]

“When I turned in the first draft of my book, my editor, Tim O’Reilly, said: “This is great, but you ask too much from people.” And he was right. I was advocating not just a communication tool, but a way of using it to optimize collaboration. That meant asking people to narrate their work, but also to think carefully about the attention demands they placed on their coworkers, and to label, structure, and layer their communications accordingly. Most people didn’t want to do these things, and most people still don’t.

“What does all this portend for instant outlining? There’s reason to hope. It’s been clear to me for a long while that the only thing that might displace email would be some kind of persistent IM. That’s exactly what instant outlining is. If it catches on, and it’s buzz-worthy enough to do that, we’ll have a framework within which to innovate in ways that email never allowed.”

Interesting article – but I think that it still won’t catch on… persistent internet messageing, nice idea but email remains king IMO. ANY method of collab requires either dumbing the tools right down and working ad hoc OR education in a series of rules and protocols OR human facilitation and email groups + the GroupSense approach to their design and facilitation is a real world solution combining what people know already and do now with gentle nudges to a saner world. Well managed email groups have benefits over the Outlined approach in Radio. Threaded email IS outlined. It is persistent (locally and/or on the web). It is instant when needed, asynch when needed, groups can be defined and structured as needed and you can filter out certain users if you need to!

Why can’t these guys use email + mailinglists?

I am cross posting here – originally sent to Dan’s Online Group Weblog.

Linux & community

The Community of Linux

“Anyway, I wanted to come back to the idea of Linux. It is a careful phrase, ‘the idea of Linux’. It occurred to me this morning, as I was reading the technology news and reflecting on the tasks of the day, (I’m not exactly sure how, but that is an interesting side question) that Linux and the whole Open Source movement isn’t about the software. It is about community. The Community of Linux.”

This is from Aldon Hynes a regular on Psyber-L. I am looking forward to discussion on this whole topic. The idea of Linux to me is central to the psyche in cyberspace. Community is one reason for that, to be sure.

Psyber-L: Exploring Psyche in Cyberspace Mailing List

Psyber-L: A Psybernet Mailing List
Psyber-L: Exploring Psyche in Cyberspace
Mailing List

“An online group for experiential learning about online depth interaction for people doing psychological work on the Internet. The group has been active (and inactive!) since 1993 and now has a life based on our history and sense of affiliation as well as the shared purposes.

“The Psyber-L mailing list grew out of the need to learn more about and experience first hand the potential of the net, especially how online group interaction effects the psyche.

“If you have an interest in the psyche online – please join!”


I have been completing the transition of this group from L-Soft to Yahoo. Bit sad about that as L-soft had a good feel to it and a better product, no ads etc. However Yahooo is easier and cheaper! I will be able to start writng there soon… life is getting back to normal after the huge upheval of stating the Mt. Lyford Horse Treks (see link coming up).

How is it then that i have time for being here – but not there in the cty? Solitude, strange but true. But then why here at all? Here being in this blog?

I am having a great time reviewing psybernet… tidying… shifting, it is helping me find myself. That sounds too grand. Helping a tiny bit in the big process.

The list of links is really a nice mirror for me and goes well beyond this weblog: Old Links

Ray Kurzweil


“A comprehensive archive of works written by Editor-in-Chief Raymond C. Kurzweil. Also, a directory of selected articles about Kurzweil or the Kurzweil companies.”

“After the Singularity: A Talk with Ray Kurzweil By Raymond Kurzweil

John Brockman, editor of Edge.org, recently interviewed Ray Kurzweil on the Singularity and its ramifications. According to Ray, “We are entering a new era. I call it ‘the Singularity.’ It’s a merger between human intelligence and machine intelligence that is going to create something bigger than itself. It’s the cutting edge of evolution on our planet. One can make a strong case that it’s actually the cutting edge of the evolution of intelligence in general, because there’s no indication that it’s occurred anywhere else. To me that is what human civilization is all about. It is part of our destiny and part of the destiny of evolution to continue to progress ever faster, and to grow the power of intelligence exponentially. To contemplate stopping that–to think human beings are fine the way they are–is a misplaced fond remembrance of what human beings used to be. What human beings are is a species that has undergone a cultural and technological evolution, and it’s the nature of evolution that it accelerates, and that its powers grow exponentially, and that’s what we’re talking about. The next stage of this will be to amplify our own intellectual powers with the results of our technology.” (Added March 27th 2002)”

Plenty more there along those lines…

The Singularity – interesting – originates with Vinge and links cyber c with the romantics?