the invisibles

Psychotherapy: Why some people have abandoned it, more from Cliff Bostock:

So, in soulwork, our task is to imagine our way to truth, our calling in the world. The work does not require artistry, only the willingness to engage in the imaginal. The psyche naturally communicates metaphorically and in images (thus the work is often called “psychopoetics”). The imagination places us in the realm of “the invisibles,” to use Hillman’s term, or in mundus imaginalis, to use Henry Corbin’s term. This is the place where our destiny reveals itself — between the literal and the wholly imaginary. In this place, so unfamiliar to most people in our society — and even scorned by much psychology — life speaks clearly to us through the autonomous voice of personified soul.


O’Reilly Network: Inventing the Future [Apr. 09, 2002]

Weblogs. These daily diaries of links and reflections on links are the new medium of communication for the technical elite. Replacing the high-cost, high-octane, venture-funded Web site with one that is intensely personal and built around the connectivity between people and ideas, they are creating a new set of synapses for the global brain. It’s no accident that weblogs are increasingly turning up as the top hits on search engines, since they trade in the same currency as the best search engines–human intelligence, as reflected in who’s already paying attention to what.”

“connectivity between people and ideas” – that is what I like about it.


Microsoft Has Shelved Its Internet ‘Persona’ Service
NY Times egistration req.

Posting something likes this here makes me think: How is this part of exploring Psyberspace?

Freud had the triad of Id, Ego and Superego. Jung also defined/discovered contours of the psyche, the collective unconscious, Self, Shadow, Anima and Animus and of course Persona.

Just the connection with Jung’s Persona means the item is of interest. But it goes deeper than that. Just as Persona is a way of describing the structure of the soul or at leasts its contours, .NET fits in somewhere as part of one of the the contours of psyberspace, which have not as far as I know been clearly named/discovered/created.

The passport, virtual ID bots (like Persona) or whatever, present interesting questions: Who owns them and manages them? What will my persistent virtual ID contain – what happens when you finger me? How can that be done? How should it be done on the net? How does my virtual ID relate to me? Is a home page a virtual ID?

And then I think: How does my persona relate to the real me?

Counter-terrorism is scarier than anything terrorists get up to

BBC News | AMERICAS | US names cyber-terrorism czar

“America built cyberspace, and now it must defend cyberspace,” Mr Clarke said in accepting his new position.”

This is scary language – counter-terrorist measures are mostly scarier than anything terrorists get up to.

Terrorism is scary, but that it may be not the real target here. It may be as in international politics, an excuse for extending superpower domination. The bit of foul jargon: cyber-terrorism does not bode well, despite some of the more reassuring words deeper into the article. In this time of doublespeak terrorist=friend may well be true.

Will he promote secure operating systems or ban them? I have no idea. Perhaps he does know what is what, but then why all the hype?