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And they are ugly. Is this a sacred place? At least it needs to be aesthetic! Several years ago I bought this program after having it on a month free trial. I’ve used it ever since. I am often shocked when I look at other people as they surf. It is so distracting and ugly. A one off fee fixes it. OK it might sound like an ad as I write, but it is a plea for aesthetics and I have no financial interest in the product at all. There may be others as good, but this one has workrd without a glitch.

CDL Directory

Search the CDL Directory

The CDL Directory includes records for electronic journal titles, databases, archival finding aids and reference texts. You can re-try your search in the CDL Directory below, or you can automatically send your search into another search system.

Talking about libraries here is access to the academic type.


Mind-Body Dualism and the Biopsychosocial Model of Pain: What Did Descartes Really Say?

Found this using Searchlite (see next item, above).

More on Psyche and Libraries

Been thinking about what I wrote about Amazon being Alexandria. It is not quite right, the whole Net is the new Alexandria. And I doubt the future is corporate. XML plus peer-to-peer sharing means literature and texts of all kinds will be “free” like music is now. However *right now*, and that is all there is, there is nothing like Amazon, and it may be like that for a while yet.

Memory is something of a seat of the soul, and computer memory is in the same class. All of our written words our *written traditions* are what the Maori call whakapapa. Our ancestors and their stories have a spititual quality – in a library these spirits are all around us – the library is a sacred place.


Online Therapy Articles

These articles are all related to online therapy. Considered a rapidly growing field, online therapy has been subject to controversy. While some professionals argue that the face-to-face therapy relationship cannot be duplicated online and worry about ethical standards, others argue that the Internet offers new ways of reaching people.

More from the Catalyst site, useful items here. Thanks Richard


Apollo Home Page

Welcome to the Apollo Home Page The purpose of the Apollo Page, named after the god of music, law and medicine, is to bring together resources for anyone interested in the philosophy of the arts of the imagination, ranging from ancient philosophies of all cultures to modern theories of the imagination and hermeneutics. Its central themes will be metaphysics, myth, poetics and music and their place in civilization.”

This page is created by Joseph Milne, has links to such things as:

Orpheus & Ficino – Link to Orpheus Web Page

Eckhart and the Question of Human Nature (PDF format)

Teilhard de Chardin: The Spiritualisation of the UniverseThis file is Chapter 6 of the Joseph Milne’s doctoral thesis and is copyright 2000

Joseph Milne is also moderator of the Ontos Discussion Group: http://www.egroups.com/list/ontos


How is it looking?

I’ve been working on getting this weblog to look right, for me at least. I think it is getting there. It is nice to use.

Have just added the “Spyonit” above. You can tell it to look for some particular prase, or let it notify you anytime there is a change – by email – or WAP or pager etc.

Let me know what you think.


Transhumanist Terminology

“This page is based on the Lextropicon by Max More, and contains definitions and explanations of various neologisms, technical terms and transhumanist jargon (plus some terms from other areas commonly used).”

keyword: psyborg