Matiri River valley and the Thousand Acre Plateau

Here is the report where DOC lays down the conditions for the dams.

I note they say social and cultural impact are not in their brief. Amazing. Who is it then who assesses the social and cultural impact?

My trip was amazing and it would be one of the Great Walks if it were linked to the Mokihinui. The contrasts in terrain and scenery just as far as Poor Pete’s hut were dramatic.

Photos follow. Note the beautiful wetlands in the Matiri Valley, all under threat.

IMG 2245

IMG 2266

IMG 2271

IMG 2275

Poor Pete’s hut.

Evolution of emotional literacy

Kevin Kelly (What does Technology Want? p196) quotes George Lucas:

Evernote Snapshot 20121129 225558

Just maybe that is about to change (Perhaps on December 21?? 🙂

I think we are in a rapid change right now. It will be more visible soon. I think the feminist consciousness, the decline of religion, urbanisation, education are all leading to a shift in consciousness that means there will be ever more psychotherapists.

See also:

Evolution of consciousness

Retina Display ready?

I’m uploading this via Mars Edit and then hopefully it will show a retie resin appropriate image on retina displays. And smaller one on other displays.

IMG 2144

That was sent up as 2414 × 6992 (16.9 MP) — can it handle that?

Maybe something more reasonable, 2448 × 3264 (8.0 MP):

IMG 2130

Later: These images do look remarkably sharp on my non retina MacBook Pro with the setting to always serve the retina images.

I’ll try it without.


Seems to make no difference – be good to hear from someone with a retina MacBook Pro

These images were from a recent walk up the SawCut gorge north of kaikoura.