I like to delve into the depths of human psyche its unfolding path and have just stumbled on the Fourteen Stations of the Cross. I’m relating it to journeys travelled and eternal stories of life. Struggling to be with the story at the heart of it, which is an unbearable, bloody and miserable mystery. Especially as the stations end with the tomb. In my life, how often have I carried a cross and then been nailed to it?
In my meanderings I found one contemporary artist who painted all 14. They show the pain in red and the movement of the cross in black. With a rolled stone at the end. I want to up load them – I hope that is ok, as I’d recommend going to Jen Nortons websites. Also I’m curios if the set has been sold? It seems like a bargain for any church. I suggest building a church just to house them.
The Stations Of The Cross by Jen Norton
Size: 12 x12 x 1.5″ ea
Medium: Acrylic on wood
“In the series, the colors have meanings – black cross changes size/position, depending on drama; red indicates pain points, blue and white are spirit and divinity. The 14 stations will be sold as a set. The 15th image, The Resurrection, can be purchased separately.”
Price: Please call for details
The Sacred Art Gallery Phone: 480-946-1003
1. Jesus is Condemned to Death — Unjust Accusation
2. Jesus Carries His Cross — Burden and Struggle
3. Jesus Falls the First Time — Weakness and Resilience
4. Jesus Meets His Mother — Compassion and Sorrow
5. Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry the Cross — Unexpected Assistance
6. Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus — Compassion and Devotion
7. Jesus Falls the Second Time — Perseverance and Endurance
8. Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem — Empathy and Consolation
9. Jesus Falls the Third Time — Exhaustion and Determination
10. Jesus is Stripped of His Garments — Humiliation and Vulnerability
11. Jesus is Nailed to the Cross — Suffering and Sacrifice
12. Jesus Dies on the Cross — Redemption and Forgiveness
13. Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross — Grief and Mourning
14. Jesus is Laid in the Tomb. — Silence and expectation
And here are Jen Nortons 14 Paintings

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