Walter Logeman: Journal
Many of the pix in the blog are not showing up. This is because I’ve removed Zenphoto – I might put it back or I might use some other photo storage. I like having them on my server, they are all still there, but maybe Flickr will do a better job… Flickr, Google Facebook or Apple? Why I’m looking to these sites I that I don’t need to maintain them! Fight off hackers?
Imago Gottman in dialogue. This Audio begins with the Gottmans explaining their methods, it is followed by a discussion with all four of them.
I’m interested mainly in the relationship between the two modalities, on the way I noted Gottman’s research on emotions and children. He mentions that towards the end of the Gottman talk before the discussion.
I found the book on children:
Its pretty basic, details follow, but it was nicely put in the audio, so worth a listen.
One fight, one repair
I’ve heard it said that couples only have one fight and they have it for about forty years. Core conflict is another term for it, not sure who first made these observations but they ring true. Its an art to spot what is at the core of persistent difficulties in a relationship. Couples may already have a name for it. Transactional Analysis is another way, where we can see “parent, child, adult ego states†in the transactions. The Karpman triangle also has its roots in TA. Roles, as used in psychodrama is a good way to describe the way people interact. Harville Hendrix and Helen describe one syndrome as the hailstorm and the turtle. That is a role description of complementary roles.
The corollary of the one core scene is that it call for one core repair. Dialogues are not about good communication or a way of life. It is a tool to repair a role system gone wrong.
Neal Stephenson
REAMDE on kindle
I’m into the first few chapters and hooked!
Love the way I can download a sample and then decide if I want to read it.
Got it.
Testing where my blog posts go.
Groups are great for organizing on a personal level and for smaller scale interaction around a cause. Pages are better for brands, businesses, bands, movies, or celebrities who want to interact with their fans or customers without having them connected to a personal account, and have a need to exceed Facebook’s 5,000 friend cap.
Just came across an old post to psyber-L 1997
Still this was a time I orientated to the online world, and it still seems relevant in many ways.
Continue reading “Professionalism & the Psychological Internet”
55 minutes worth watching
Context collapse
participant observation