Tariq Ali on Islam, the US China – Pakistan – Kim Hill interviews

Tariq Ali on Islam, the US China – Kim Hill interview

Very good to hear this interview today. It is incredible that a broad left perspective can be voiced so clearly but so little heeded. Listen to this interview, it is rare to get such crisp insight into world dynamics. It hard enough to understand the world, let alone when most of what we hear is designed to insulate us from insight. If people in New Zealand listened to these perspectives and engaged fully, even to challenge, then we would not be in Afganistan. No one wants a US empire and their assassinations, drones, war machine, and other antics of an empire in its death throws.

It is only a revolutionary socialist’s perspective that ever makes sense to me, but it is one that is largely invisible. Chomsky might be another speaker who has a world perspective worthy of discussion. The dominant media creates a climate where these voices are side-lined and certainly not discussed seriously. It is wonderful that this is in the public domain on New Zealand national Radio – I respect Kim Hill for at least listening without ridicule.

Right click to download, click to play:

Click to play & download Tariq Ali on Islam, the US China – Kim Hill interview


Click to play & download Tariq Ali on Pakistan

iPad Art

Went to the apple store in San Francisco today and heard iPad artists talk about their medium.  I particularly liked the work of hgberk in flckr   There is also a show on in San Francisco I might try to get there next Tuesday.

Future/Canvas – the emerging medium of ipad art:

It has been just over a year since the release of the iPad and already it has inspired an exciting new world of digital art. Artists and programmers are using the iPad as a digital canvas and are creating radical new artwork that pushes the bounds of imagination. Future/Canvas showcases a variety of different artistic pursuits involving the iPad from interactive art to photography to painting. Taking place during the Apple World Wide Developer Conference, this is a must-stop destination for iPad enthusiasts who are interested in art. The original Future/Canvas was the first ever multiple-artist iPad art show held in December 2010 at The Box Factory in San Francisco. Our goals is to encourage the creation of iPad art by bringing together the diverse range of people necessary to create it in an environment that demonstrates the possibilities of the medium.

Worth listening to

I love listening to podcasts. But only some! I have a selection I keep, and they are of value to me as they come from a list in Google reader I have pruned and added to over many years. Then from Google reader I select about one-in-100 podcasts that arrive. I listen to these on on the iPhone and delete most of those once I’ve listened. Then a few remain and I save them… I’ve put a few on the blog, and there are some below in this post.

I can’t even remember them exactly, but I’ll summarise these in this post. In each case I’d like to discuss them, to recall them for things I’m writing and so on.

Click to play & download
Helen LaKelly Hunt – Kim Hill

This one is relevant because she is the co-creator of Imago – the method that informs a lot of my work.

Click to play & download
The Pelagian Controversy – In Our Time

Simply here because I see such a parallel with the main controversies in psychotherapy today. We have the same debates in secular language.

Click to play & download
Leo Bensemann_ A Fantastic Art Venture – Nine to noon

Love anything about The Group. And of course these people were around even while I was at the university here in Christchurch.

Click to play & download
Peter Sunde _ file-sharing and micropayments

? Must listen again.

Click to play & download
Playing Favorites with David Vann – Kim Hill

? Must listen again.

Artist Don Peebles dies

Don Peebles – ARTIS Gallery – Artists:

Don Peebles is one of New Zealand’s most senior artists. He began his training at the Wellington Technical College of Art in 1947, he then moved to Australia and studied under John Passmore, a leading Australian painter at the time, at the Julian Ashton School of Arts in Sydney.

Audio from RNZ:

Artist Don Peebles dies – National – NZ Herald News:

One of the pioneers of New Zealand abstract painting, artist Don Peebles, ONZM, has died at the age of 88.

Rest of the NZ Herald item follows.

Continue reading “Artist Don Peebles dies”