I’m studying up on master talk. Here is a link to Al’s main essay. There is also a link there to an MP3 which I bought.
MASTER/SLAVE, Two World Problem: The Essay | Al Turtle’s Relationship Wisdom
Certain words can clue you into MasterTalk:
‘is’ , ‘know’, ‘the fact that’, ‘reality’, ‘we’ or ‘you.’”
I am trying to get the idea, these little lists help a lot.
The way out, Friend/friend talk, includes phrases such as
- I think
- In my experience
- I believe
- The way I understand it is..
The are I statements about information – cognitive I statements.
I like Al’s definition:

Note this is not a relativist position. There may well be one truth. But each of us has our own experience, leading us to our own conclusions and beliefs.
Sunday, 01 August 2021 — downloaded from Al’s website, to add a bit of redundancy to its survival.
Al Turtle’s Relationship Wisdom :: MASTER/SLAVE, Two World Problem: The Essay