Notes on James Hillman’s The Terrible Love of War Conference, November 2002

From a 2-day Seminar: November 8 & 9, 2002, Held in Santa Barbara, CA at the historic, beachfront Radisson Hotel, Rough-Draft Conference Notes & Comments by Kathleen Jenks, Ph.D. (Written 19 November 2002 – ?)

But when JH asked what war might want from us — and gave those telling examples — I was hooked.

This is typical of my response to a lot of Hillman too – he infuriates me, but this way of looking at things has a peculiar appeal. For anyone reading along here this is the sort of question that brings in the power of a acting as if the entity has a life and is pulling us along – see earlier item on teleology.

More in line with my project we might ask:

What does cyberspace want from us?

This is one of the links I just found from Matthew Clapp’s website – which I am exploring at the moment.

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