Cyberselfish Review

Cyberselfish: A Critical Romp Through the Terribly Libertarian Culture of High Tech by Paulina Borsook amazon

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With all her warnings about a future run by what she terms “technolibertarians,” Borsook’s book might as well have been called “cybercynical.”

Jon Lebkowsky Whole Earth:

She expressed her perspective on various technolibertarian camps and fascinations including bionomics, cypherpunks, Wired Magazine, and the lack of charitable contributions by the nouveau riche of the cyberculture. Having been there for some of the cybercultural evolution, I found areas where I disagree. (For instance, I think she overstates the impact and influence of the cypherpunks.) But this is an important book, a perspective you won’t find elsewhere in the writings and rants of or about the digerati of the early technoculture era that shaped today’s Internet. And Borsook’s adrenaline prose always makes for a great read.

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