Making it all Work – By David Allen



I downloaded the ebook to my phone. I’d seen a few poor reviews mainly saying it was a re-hash. It is in some ways but the simplification of the steps into two groups: Control steps & Perspective steps is elegant! Worth the price of the book IMO.

The Matrix diagram is useful, but the next one covering the 11 steps is the essence of simplicity.

As I read the book I am slightly tweaking my system as I go. It is beginning to work well for me. After several years of GTDing I have almost got a system I trust! Shifting from Palm amd the PC to iPhone has made a big difference.

David Allen suggests that there is a qualitative leap when the mind is truly freed of having to do the tasks the *systems* should do. I’m getting close.

Good review of the book here.

Buy on Amazon

2 Replies to “Making it all Work – By David Allen”

  1. Hi Walter. I have been reading your blog site and in a way I am green with envy at what appears to be a fullness of life. Now that I have retired and have taken up a gypsy-like wandering, I miss the filled-to-bursting kind of life. That said, I am grateful for the quite moments and the inspirations that my current version of living have provided for me as a photographer and writer. The pull to “explore” and to “comment” is rewarding in that it makes me feel that I am not simply retreating into the woodwork. Visit my site and let me know what you think. There is much history, friend, and I won’t let the trail grow so dim as to never be able to find my way back to those who are important.

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