Stop Bottom Trawling Petition | Greenpeace

I just signed.  This is shocking information.

Everything we hear about what capitalism is doing is shocking.  It’s killing us.

It’s not just the trawlers.  They have owners and workers. Its relationships.

And it’s true when I read:

Up to 5,000 tonnes of coral was bulldozed on the seafloor by New Zealand’s bottom trawling fleet in a single year. And scientists identified 128 new-to-science species from bottom trawling by-catch.

As well as that, it’s been shown that globally bottom trawling is responsible for more climate emissions than the entire global aviation industry!

I’m shocked, and I’ve been hearing this sort of thing since 1968.

The email goes on:

If we can keep building the pressure, I’m sure we can win.

Pressure on the govt? Petitioning the govt.  It makes sense to do something to stop the boats, stop the shops that sell the stuff, the transport, the advertisers, the packaging people. Pressure to stop them, build pressure to squash them all.


Source: Stop Bottom Trawling Petition | Greenpeace

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