I am still mucking around with Microformats, Id do it on my Psyberspace blog but it is harder to fiddle there on WordPress.com (must change it over to my own server. some time)
Have added a hCard to the bottom of the sidebar in the main view.
Some software will show up what is there eg Operator, Firefox add-on.
It is not nothing to do with art. Here is a hCard for example for Andy Warhol. It is part of wanting to make maps of connections between paintings, art networks as net artworks. So I am exploring these Microformats and FOAF and JSON all things Google are getting into.
Making links between painting and so on is definitely art for me, and it is very psyber. I will be blogging and linking these discussions in the Psyberspace blog.
Andy Warhol
Born: August 6, 1928
Died: February 22, 1987
New York