Interrupting the flow to make it flow

Don has just posted about coaching. He describes a process called chunking.

This level being about easy flow it is strange to break the flow into bits (chunks) which logically interrupts the flow. How it works doesn’t matter. It certainly does.


Mao: “Loose Yunnan to save Yunnan”

It applies to the coaching I do in relationship psychotherapy. I teach word-for-word mirroring, that breaks the flow of speaking initially, but it speeds up the flow of meaning.

It applies to getting GTD working as well, chunks!

How would it be coaching someone to be a Cybernaught? Some steps follow.

Continue reading “Interrupting the flow to make it flow”

Thanks Lisa Rivas!

I am going through the calmest time in my art binge since the seizure began more than two years ago. I did the Thousand Sketches in one year and continued to make digital sketches and do some real-media work in the last year. I have had three exhibitions of one sort and another this year – one is still going at OurCity Otautahi. But it is a month or so since I posted an image, and that is the longest time. I am not dreaming art every night. I have no more plans for workshops or shows this year, and am enjoying being focused in my psychotherapy work. Calm. Before a storm? I doubt it, not this year anyway, I am in recovery mode from having been invaded by enthusiasm!

So this is a very belated thank you post.

On my mind for a while is the delight in getting “I love your blog” award from Lisa Rivas, whose work I love! This is what an I love your blog award looks like. See image below.

Prompted by that viral award I decided to do some heart art as well. I’ll put it in the next post, and I will also send out a few I LOVE YOUR BLOG awards. I will post a list when I have seven & I get time to really suss out some great art blogs I know.


International Klein Blue




I thought that Yves Klein’s Blue must have been the purest blue #0000ff, all the blues and nothing else.

But not so. I discovered that IKB is in fact #002FA7

I have just made all the un-clicked links on this blog IKB. The visited ones are light blue.

  #0000ff – Mathematially pure blue?
  #002FA7 – International Klein Blue
  #8B8BFF – mid-point light blue      

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