Meet me in the noosphere

My new “Possibly Related Posts” plug-in is wonderful! Browsing my own archives found a bit I like from 2000:

Old edit this page Items › Psyberspace:

…we are seeing applications go off the “personal computer” into the sky … no huge hard disk, or any hard disk? … while we had Personal Computers as prosthesis, as extensions of our selves we were still localised beings surrounded by tools. Now we participate in One tool. Can you feel the change? Meet me in the noosphere

Scary #ACTA Threat

Steven Hodson in the Inquisitr

Scary, there are a bunch of people out there hell bent on making the world worse:

It is planned that all these secret negotiations taking place will finish in 2010 and the world will be presented with a new world wide copyright/IP treaty that has been written and bullied through all levels of individual country governments by the US entertainment industry and their trade groups around the world.

Afghanistan – NYT with Google

Interesting page, finally New York Times has a page that makes sense online! I guess it will update as life goes on, an interesting development.  It might help both their business models but not the world.  Here is a more pertinent summary.

The War in Afghanistan:

Summary: In a major policy move, President Obama has committed 30,000 more United States troops to Afghanistan but added he would begin drawing out American forces there starting in July 2011. But administration officials have since scrambled to defend that withdrawal schedule. Some lawmakers voiced skepticism. Mr. Obama’s decision is likely to prove to be a defining one for his administration. The policy also leaves unanswered the question of whether Afghan President Hamid Karzai will met the challenge and how to respond if he does not. The strategy’s success may ultimately be determined in an unruly region that straddles the Afghan-Pakastani border.

J.L. Moreno on Copyright

A snippet quoting Moreno follows from the Federation of Eastern European Psychodrama Training Organisations! (other interesting stuff too in that little journal.)

I think he would have liked the Creative Commons license I use for this blog and my sketches, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License that allows their unaltered non-profit use.

    Creative Commons License

FEPTO – Federation of Eastern European Psychodrama Training Organisation

Quote follows.

Continue reading “J.L. Moreno on Copyright”

classical physics cannot accommodate the phenomenon of consciousness

Stephen Wood is critical of the physical, materialist, linear approach which does not come close to consciousness as an experience.   OK, but it does shed light on some things.   This essay seems to be a confusion of hypothesis and solution,  he returns to mysticism and religion, all fine, it is a mystery…  it sure is, but there is not much that is new there.

The Holographic Principle and the Evolution of Consciousness:

By Stephen Wood

Quantum physicist Henry Stapp (1997) has argued persuasively that classical physics cannot accommodate the phenomenon of consciousness, because it deals with independent entities that are localized in spacetime. In classical physics, one can only conceive of disjointed physical events in various places in the brain, with no experiential unity. Our conscious experience demands a quantum theory of the mind, which allows for instantaneous interaction between the various elements of the brain. The Holographic Principle is the information theory of such quantum fields. Let us briefly discuss the nature of quantum theory and its connection with the Holographic Principle.

Thinking creātically – By Kenneth G. Johnson

Thinking creātically: a systematic, interdisciplinary approach to creative … By Kenneth G. Johnson

That is the Amazon link to the used books at a huge price.

As part of my link journey on the General Semantic theme I found it on Google and took a snap off the screen with the iphone of some references I wanted.

More details of my process and the book follows.

Continue reading “Thinking creātically – By Kenneth G. Johnson”