Locus of therapy… locus of communication

I posted about the Locus of Psychotherapy here. Today it occurred to me that the whole notion of Psyberspace is about the locus of communication.

I write about relationships, forms of communication, the therapeutic frame, the shape of the seating arrangement, and the difference between a typewriter and PC. All these things matter to me. The space creates the psyche.

And in that sense the psyche evolves, and manifests in various ways in different places. Religion and therapy have strong hold on the word soul or psyche because they are so focussed on spaces. Then Marshall McLuhan comes along with the huge exploration of the impact of communication on the psyche. Medium is the message, global village via electronic communication. beautiful insights. Then in the sixties, the importance of set and setting on the impact of hallucinogens becomes understood (and severely misunderstood as they create an impossible set and setting called war on drugs).

This thinking I am sketching here is highly systemic. It means context is integral to the meaning. I’ve been very insistent that in my psychotherapy online I use only email. This is to keep the constancy of set and setting and medium. Is that important? In the earthquake here I see how it tests our metal as the contexts are focibly changed, new rooms, new modes, I’ve for the first time conceded to phone sessions in addition to f2f work. Its ok, but id sooner stick to the one context.

The original ‘locus’ discussion was to distinguish between two very systemic approaches, both of which value set and setting; Psychodrama and Imago Relationship therapy. When it comes to that discussion I am well beyond the question of the need for valuing context, medium etc. Now it is a case of which medium is good for what sort of communication? There are two modes, group and dyad. Not mutually exclusive, there can be dyads within a group.

I’m not sure if a group, or a dyad is a medium? Perhaps the actual distinction here is between a social atom and an imago. These categories of the psych are such slipery things. We only know them backup being with them, in them, as they are ‘virtual’ in some sense. Of course there are real people in real actions, but the social atom or cultural atom is the pattern that exists in that realm. the Imago is much the same, these are patterns of the soul we can be with, attend to, but they come up, arise in certain contexts. OK maybe that is the question then, what is the set and setting required to evoke the Imago? What is the set and setting to evoke the Original Social Atom? Conversely we may ask does the set and setting of the Freudian couch evoke?

What is this blogging doing? I am typing on a PC (in XP if that matters?) in a blog (WordPress) that is hosted on a server (DreamHost), and apart from one or two people I don’t know who reads it. About 30 hits a day probably people googling (the wrong) stuff. For all that it is one to many. It is also possibly going to be around for a long time, so somebody some Time may find these musings of interest.

I’ve been thinking of cross posting to an online community I am in. There it would feel very different. The locus would immediately transform. Blog posts, entries like this in the context of this Psyberspace blog are not the same in the context of a connected community. This blog is not a community, though some may be.

I’ve written it here. I could quote it elsewhere, I could use it in an essay (as I did with the original post, which led to a section in this Paper, I could use it in a book or podcast. Perhaps there is an optimum place, perhaps one unique space in the world where it grows and builds and yields fruit. I can ask this as is see one-to-one psychotherapy as totally the wrong place for relationship psychotherapy, it is detrimental to it. Group work might be too. Both could be adapted, but with out the benefit of an Imago style relational paradigm they are counter productive. Could there be a parallel here? Is this idea I’m returning to time after time better places elsewhere? Sometime I yearn for a department in a university where they would love this stuff and I could expound all day and it (I) would be part of some sort of community of practitioners pounding this stuff together.

Specific media are needed for specific tasks. Where in the landscapes of the psyche is there the right psyberspace for psyberspace discussions.

Ethical Implications Online: Working and Socializing in Cyberspace

This was a while back, but I Amy want this as a resource.

Workshop Details:

This full-day training course will discuss best practice with regard to counseling and communicating online with potential and existing clients, business associates, friends and other therapists. With the advent of Web 2.0 and Social Media, counselors and psychotherapists must now understand the boundaries of working and socializing in cyberspace. Topics to be covered include communicating confidentially with existing clients, how to handle the email inquiry from a potential client, the basics of ethical online counseling and the slippery slope of marketing your practice on the internet via social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter


This websites is full of manifestos punk cyber anachist.

Collecting manifestos, better than stamps!

A bit from Hakim Bey

Manifesto of Poetic Terrorism:

Poetic Terrorism is an act in a Theater of Cruelty which has no stage, no rows of seats, no tickets & no walls. In order to work at all, Poetic Terrorism must categorically be divorced from all conventional structures for art consumption (galleries, publications, media). Even the guerrilla Situationist tactics of street theater are perhaps too well-known & expected now.

Seizing the moment or seizing the media

I looked again at a post from 2002, on the Immediast approach.

It must be an obscure thing, there is not much on it that I can find, yet it is alive and well! In the search I came across Hakim Bey again, who was on the horizon in the Psyber-l days. I quoted him in my research on the archetypes of cyberspace.

He comes in with the word Immediatism. Related?

I think the first is about the media and the second about the here & now, but they are both political arty philosophies. I am making the note because I might want to get back to it.

I came across them again because the protests in the middle East are on my mind, and also how people power is needed to recover from this earthquake.

Body posture & technology evolution

Or I could this ergonomics & the evolution of digital tech. The pont is there are positions the humnan body works in that determine the tech. The couch and the desk are important and the hand and the lap are two that are surfacing as very important.

Couch – TV

Desktop – PC and (despite the fantasy) Laptops

Laps – Larger touch devices such as the ipad

Hands – mobile phones PDA etc

They are all screens with input devices etc. They all have software. It is the way we sit and hiold our body that determines the distinction, not the content so much. Made for TV has tech determinants but also suits sitting on the couch in the family space.

I was interested to hear Eric Schmidt talk about the difference between Android and and Chrome OS. It was the mouse and the keyboard in Chrome OS and touch in Android. Apple has software for each as well.

So the distinction is Laps and Hands vs Desktop

Then there is Google and Apple TV – where it optimises their software for Couch.

Windows interestingly has gone strongly for Desktop and now is making another play for the Hand. But with to the lap it integrated touch and the pen into the Desktop software. If it made a new tablet, would it be Windows on arm?

I have a hunch that the distinctions are a temporary phenomena. One fully integrated software could do it all. Why not? I would like to plug my phone into a screen and have my whole digital work open up, with the ability to add voice, TV screens slates, so I could move around and work on the sme stuff as I move around.

When to use a pdf.

PDFs should be used and only used when the following apply:


1. The document will be printed.
For example the document will be used for several people to sign at a meeting or this document is created to go into a paper system.


2. The document is likely to be saved for reference on a computer.
For example, in addition to being accessed on the web or by email and the user will be likely to store the document. A signed contract.


3. The document’s integrity is important.
For example that it has been designed for its look and feel and this needs to be consistent throughout its use. Or if it is important the document can’t easily be changed. A Journal article.

Use a pdf on other occasions.

Forms are better in a Word file so people can edit them and return them or the form can be online in html. Information that is primarily on the web should be in html. In cases where use is mixed provide both a pdf and other formats. For ebooks consider providing epub, mobi, Kindle, Nook or plain text versions.

Later Consider Apple Author versions


The next and needed social network will have the the following qualities:

The ethos will be present and overt. There will be a statement of vision and purpose about equity and compassion.

It will aim to bring together the activist left, the digital communication forms and specialist communication and relationship skill groups.

Process Orientation
Respectful of difference in vision and desired outcomes. Strong on adherence to principles of process. Dialogical.

Sustainable Organisation
There will be a balance between being stable and being able to evolve by the actions of participants. Overt governance.

Relates to a principle of isomorphism so that the same principles apply at the micro level operate at the macro. Enact principles consciously at all levels in the system.

Overt guidelines on privacy, transparency, confidentiality.

Loose endorsement of charters and manifestos. Eg Compassion, Imediatist.

Digital and Physical
The system will foster effective online and face-to-face participation all within the framework of defining next actions that adhere to the ethos.

The leadership is distributed via chapters and hubs and the digital information is not all be on one server or central hub or on one platform. (Diaspora)

Open Source

Not for Profit
(Wikipedia) (Linux)

Global and Local

Will have overt guidelines for effective participation. (Dynamic Facilitation) (NVC) (Imago) (Psychodrama)

News about News

That news should evolve fast is not surpprising as our means of producing information evolve. I am noticing big developments.

Look at this one

Alive in Afghanistan

Alive in Afghanistan is an independent, non-partisan project, formed in response to the huge success of Alive in Baghdad and Alive in Gaza and the result of the hard work and collaboration of many partners and individuals. Alive in Afghanistan empowers Afghan citizens to participate in society by reporting on their political process. Alive in Afghanistan is launching in time for the August 20th presidential elections so that people across Afghanistan can report fairly on the elections and related events through SMS, email, and the web.

And this,

Heard about this in an excellent podcast from NPR Fresh Air Listen to this for great insight into the war, (and its stupidity -Walter).