Laws of Identity

1. Technical identity systems must only reveal information identifying
a user with the user’s consent.

2. The solution which discloses the least identifying information is
the most stable, long-term solution.

3. Technical identity systems must be designed so the disclosure of
identifying information is limited to parties having a necessary and
justifiable place in a given identity relationship.

5. The Law of Pluralism:

A universal identity system MUST channel and enable the interworking
of multiple identity technologies run by multiple identity providers.

Must complete the list and get a grip on all this

All somewhere maybe on

Kim Cameron’s


I heard a great IT conversations on this topic… Gilmore Gang


Beautiful Logos, again, this time from Flikr


For some reason my linked image did not show up – so here it is via my new flikr account which lets me post pix. Lets see…


Later – had to edit it quite a bit, but that is ok. It made a link back to my photos – sometimes that would be OK. But I want to try my Zope thing again, or maybe Picasa. The image is actually quite degraded from what I clipped.


Later – the linked to from the artists website occasionally shows up. Now I am the trail for a decent server for photos. I want a system that will:

  • Store the photos
  • Ease of posting
  • Free
  • Reliable
  • No huge or ugly Logos

Monday, blow by blow account.

This is the day Kate and I have planned to be together in out hectic lives… a sabath, a sacred day but it was not like that!

I slept in till not too late – but Kate had started on the sacred practice without me (house cleaning). I came to in the bath… managed to get up & dressed. Replied to a few emails. Bought the paper at the garage across the road, had coffee and musli.

Major catastrophy with the Horse treks, nothing worked – phone calls came here and trek guides did not stick to their roster & kate had to go to work!

I did my share of the sacred practices (vacuuming & dishwasher etc) and then did some of my finances and went off to my hearing aid appointment and picked up these new Widex Diva Elan aids…


So far they seem OK.

Then got a hair cut, went to the expensive place as the last cheap place did a lousy job! This one seems ok.


Then had a nice night with Simon & Sara, sushi at their place. And yes we manages to do our dialogue event there… it went ok, Kate and I sorted out a few things too, later driving home.

Now, here, late at night on the inkernet.

Do I Need Therapy?

John M. Grohol, Psy.D. has a quiz. Quite good really. I scored a nice 28 and that means I could do with some! About right too. My whole life is one big therapy session really so it is in hand!

The day

Suddenly have the time to write. Man I have been stressed. I manage it all but it is too much. This year I have taken on being active in our Kate Tapley Horse Treks business – which has been a good thing on one hand, and a stretch and a challenge on the other.

In May 2004 we wrote a fantastic Business Plan using the Michael Gerber E-Myth system to guide us – it enlivened me enormously. Then my own psychotherapy practice suddenly became busier than it had been for the last 5 years – both f2f and and online… then I got sick … and stressed as all our plans have not led to the results we wanted.

Today I rested, thank God, then we had a KTHT marketing meeting, went for quite a long walk with Eli the dog, Kate made dinner, I went to the movies, saw Saw which was so so. Came home and set up an online group at

Now here I am fiddling with my various ventures, typing this in Texpad, which I am using as an External Editor in Thuderbird. Quite enjoying it but have some gripes – mainly about how it quotes. I miss highlighting some lines and having just those quote. Perhaps there is an extension for that. I am moving over to Thunderbird after about 10 year of using Forte Agent for email. This is an email addressed to my blog – so that is something I have not done much of.

I spent a bit of time today listening to Podcasts, and also reading Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson – on my Palm! Bought all three in the trilogy for the eReader. I was not getting the book read as I have the hard cover – and I just could not lug it around!

Enough for one day!

Google Define:Pods

Google comes up with these definitions for Pod

An enclosure, housing, or detachable container of some kind, as an engine pod.

the vessel that contains the seeds of a plant (not the seeds themselves)

And from now on it should also have:

a pod is a device that moves away from the mothership, as in space craft with with smaller more mobile vessels for exploratory missions. And since 2004, a pod is any mobile device that uses the personal computer for docking e.g., PDAs, Smart Phones, Digital Cameras and mp3 players.

Why should not old men be mad?

W.B. Yeats

Why should not old men be mad?

Why should not old men be mad?
Some have known a likely lad
That had a sound fly-fisher’s wrist
Turn to a drunken journalist;
A girl that knew all of Dante once
Live to bear children to a dunce;
A Helen of social welfare dream
Climb on a wagonette to scream.
Some think it a matter of course that chance
Should starve good men and bad advance,

That if their neighbours figured plain,
As though upon a lighted screen,
No single story would they find
Of an unbroken happy mind,
A finish worthy of the start.
Young men know nothing of this sort,
Observant old men know it well;
and when they known what old books tell,
And that no better can be had,
Know why an old man should be mad.

W. B. Yeats.

Thats me one of those, one of those old codgers – who can see the decay – complain about the world getting worse. And of course there is a beaury in that – of being in a process, aging if you like, but also learning – like Yeats to make an art form out of it.