Ink sketches I do with the kids. Made it into a slideshow
Tagging Marx
Ban plastic waste exports | GREENPEACE
I signed and donated.
But I don’t feel better.
I hate reading this page on Greanpeace. All the more because I know this stuff. And I want to see more than us stopping sending plastic overseas. And I know I’m not active. (but oh, I am!)
Stop making plastic.
Stop ADVERTISING plastic.
Let’s do something crazy, Something absolutely wrong
Waiting For The Miracle
Have had this song in my mind since the Theatre of Spontaneity group on Tuesday.
That was the group theme, ambivalence, sticking with the known.
I love the verse:
Ah baby, let’s get married
We’ve been alone too long
Let’s be alone together
Let’s see if we’re that strong
Yeah let’s do something crazy,
Something absolutely wrong
While we’re waiting
For the miracle, for the miracle to come
Lyrics follow Continue reading “Let’s do something crazy, Something absolutely wrong”
Stop Bottom Trawling Petition | Greenpeace
I just signed. This is shocking information.
Continue reading “Stop Bottom Trawling Petition | Greenpeace”
Red Rosa
My life streams
A few years ago I distilled the main areas of my life. What interests me. Areas I just can’t neglect. Areas that need my attention and love.
Tag Index
A list of all the tags used in the blog, with links.
Slideshow: figurative sketches
Cllected up all my somewhat figurative sketches on this blog to date.
Some of these are from my ThousandSketches project
Tidying up old documents — One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Powerful, Bankrupt.
I used to get airmailed copies of The Guardian, a Marxist publication not to be confused with the UK liberal paper. I saved a page from a 1976 copy. I loved reading the movie reviews by Irwin Sylber. Of course every movie was contaminated by capitalist ideology. He was spot on. I still think so.
I kept a review of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest (which I loved despite of its capitalist propaganda, Kesey is still some sort of counterculture hero.)
Continue reading “Tidying up old documents — One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Powerful, Bankrupt.”