Awakening the Dead

I was looking for a quote I have in Archetypes of Cyberspace:

it is not only forbidden
but impossible to awaken the dead


I’m still looking…

but found this … awoken from the Internet Archive, what I once called my mecca.

Now only here. Internet Archive


The www.cgjungpage.organisation site still exists, and there is plenty there. They have a tech page too… Here. But it is nice to be able to find some older stuff from wayback.

Publishing on the Net

It’s hit a new high. I see & hear & about 100 times the talk of self publishing books, and books on demand than even 6 months ago. (Later: checked out my hunch) And I buy self published books! Got the sample of this one, will buy it if I like it.

Kim Hill has a discussion with Kate De Goldie & Laura Kroetch on ebooks, (not much on self publishing though).

Click to play & download Kim Hill – Saturday


Tech Crunch on self publishing

How to publish on Kindle:

KDP Kindle Direct publishing

Or read their ebook

The new Apple book Authoring initiative on iPad ( beautiful but locked down and sinister) Apple iBook Author

The rather wonderful LuLu. Heres one where I bought both the book AND the digital edition: Sociodrama

I’ve just bought a swag of Moreno books that have been republished from through Lulu as well: The First psychodramatic Family

The Soft Edge

I find it very hard to live on the soft edge. I crave order, but can’t really find it of course. I like the hard edge, everything in neat little boxes, with an index and rules for access et. etc. But it is no way to live… computers are forcing us too much in that direction. Developing more tolerance for the mess is important. Perhaps it is not a mess, it is all birth, becoming, framentation and death!

This outline meditation helps – it is in itself a hard edge form, to find the soft edge. This is so relevant to me right now as Kate seems to manage that soft space, and I freak out!

From Richard Seel

Continue reading “The Soft Edge”

Facebook vs forums?

  • When students (or I) find a youtube video that we want to share with the group, this can be simply done directly from Youtube by clicking the “share” button under the video as it plays.
  • The group can be accessed easily using a mobile device… for example from the iPhone Facebook app (picture right).  On the other hand checking my discussion forum in Safari on an iPhone is nowhere near as elegant.
  • Videos and Podcasts on the Facebook group wall play right there in the wall… rather than simply being a link that leads you to another page.  It’s a better user experience.
  • When someone posts on the Facebook group wall, all the members of the group get a notification, and since many of them are in Facebook at the time anyway, they get it immediately!  (In contrast, my discussion forum can be set up to send email notifications… but many students don’t check their email very often.)



Howard Rheingold  posted this comment on the article in Facebook:

I require students to post in forums. Twice, when students have created Facebook groups for my social media class, the action there outstripped the action in the forums. The forum discussions were deeper, and older conversations did not disappear when they had not been updated for a few days, and it was easier to index a growing list of threads — students acknowledged that the forums had these superior affordances — but Facebook is where students live. I’m working with a developer to add Facebook features, most notably the badge that
indicates new activity, into the forum software. But I’m also going to create a parallel Facebook group and bounce between the group and the
forums and ask students to compare and contrast. In other words, I’m inclined to agree with this link:

I am thinking we can’t avoid Facebook – and it is a way of paving the cow paths (desire paths) – the trouble is that the desire paths are a toll road. Sad.